The Crimson Mountain

Ironclad Tie Ja was of the Warding Demon Race who excelled in defense, hence his title being "Ironclad". With that said, his body was thin but his iron-colored flesh was dense and tough. So much so that a sword could barely scratch his skin. Even then, with his body, Tie Ja was a swift fighter who used his fists. With the toughness of his body, he built up those fists to become hard enough to crush stone to smithereens. 

But for now, he could not use those fists of his here. 

What was before him and his group of men was a tall mountain, the one thing that everyone saw. 

"Who's there?! Come out right now!"

Tie Jia yelled out, looking around to see who had just come. A figure faded into view, one of the Glaive Protectors of Mu Bing, who began to walk towards one of the Three Kings. 

"Hmm, a Glaive Protector? What does the Mu Clan want, for them to have sent a Glaive Protector to me?" he asked.