Climbing the Stairs

As it glowed, focusing its light upon Ling Xue, she felt reinvigorated as energy flowed into her body. Her body grew hot as blood rushed and her bloodline activated on its own. The dark red shade of her aura and hair took on a vibrant brightness asshe felt her strength grow. 

Feeling renewed, she continued to climb the steps, breaking past a hundred and climbing towards the two hundred mark. 

"She's doing it!"

The clansmen cried out in shock and joy as they watched her go higher and higher. 

Soon, Ling Xue broke past two hundred steps and headed straight for three hundred. By then, she slowed down and moving at a snail's pace by the time she reached the 280th step. At that point, she stopped and retreated, exiting the trial. 

"This is as far as I can go. Any further and I will have overtaxed myself. I'd rather not end up like last time or for that matter, like the Mu Clan's Princess."