Leaving the Clan

"See it to the end, no matter what..."

Ling Xue went into deep thought, thinking of what Ming Yue said. 

Ming Yue placed a hand on her shoulder and stood up to go, leaving Ling Xue with some last words. 

"Perhaps, my words helped you or maybe it has no meaning to you at all, Ling Xue. But I believe that you should do what you believe in. Even if you fear what comes next, see it to the end."

As she walked away, the Yao Princess looked to her. 

"This responsibility of yours, this search... Do you think that it is worth it? Do you not feel as though you should abandon it?" she asked.

Ming Yue stopped in her steps and turned around. 

"If I abandon it all, then the progress I had made is all in vain."

"Even if it will be so in the end?"

"If it ends in vain, so be it. I will find solace in knowing that I have done all I could."

She then left, leaving Ling Xue to ponder on her own.