Commander of the Iron Citadel

It was only when the sun had set that Ming Yue began moving once more. She ran by foot for no one dared to fly lest they wanted to attract more attention to themselves.

Making her way to Commander Nie Xia, she spotted footprints, cut branches, the faint smell of oil and blood. They were very recent, only a day hours old. 

"I shouldn't be far from them now", she thought. 

Her speed quickened as she ran through the thick forest, following these tracks until she had caught up after two days of travel.

Soon enough, she heard the sound of armor rattling and clinking. When they came into view, she saw a small force of a hundred soldiers. What was said about Commander Nie Xia's forces was true, they were all close combat experts. They had all sorts of weapons: swords, hammers, gauntlets, and more. Each one of them were elite soldiers, early Earth Realm cultivators armed with their own unique weapons.