The Tower Will Fall!

He ran straight towards their location while the remaining bladed limbs cut the grass apart. Soon enough, Shen Varuna was in his sight, running away before stumbling and falling onto the ground. 

She turned around with fearful eyes as she saw the blood- covered demon chase after her. 


The little girl shrieked as the demon attacked, the remaining four limbs of his drove forward. Each one looking to impale her hand and feet. Suddenly Ming Ye appeared and attacked those outstretched limbs, cutting off the bladed portion of each one. 

Then she turned and charged straight at him with her Boltwind Nails, striking him in the stomach and bringing him down to his knees.

The Zhizhu Demon could not find the strength to stand anymore as his body had become numb. But he was able to look up, getting a good look at who killed him and his men. 

"So it is a human! Ahahahaha, it really is a human, wandering these wretched lands."