Returning to the Camp

"What do you plan?" asked Ya Lang. 

The others looked to Ming Yue with their ears open, waiting for her to explain. 

"I think that we shouldn't wait for her to come to us. Rather we force her to come out, take her by surprise, and either ambush or lead her into a trap. From there, we can send another group to take her stronghold. Both would require a diversion of sorts, and considering that there is most likely others, it will need to be something she cannot ignore."

After making her suggestion, she watched for everyone's reaction quietly. 

Ya Lang furrowed his brow and gave it some thought. 

"Certainly, it could work and we would have completed multiple objectives in one fell swoop but there is an issue. Who would be the diversion? What would it be?" 

As if waiting for him to ask, Ming Yue answered. 

"We could do it, or perhaps, only me."