Ashen Land

All four of them immediately struck out, trying to dispel the lightning as best they can. But the more time they spent on this, the more time the True Idol would have to recover. 

"Get to the True Idol!"

Ling Hun's voice echoed out and everyone knew what he wanted to do. If this lightning was going to chase them like this, certainly they could use it to their own advantage. 

All of them shot down, landing right by the True Idol, who was kneeling on the ground. Its body had more than just a few cuts now, some of the skin had been burned off and blackened. Breathing heavily, it looked up to see the four figures descend and stand right behind him. What came after were the four bolts of lightning, surging through the skies and shooting down at them. 

"Grr, resorting to cheap tricks?" it growled out.