The Four Claws

As Ming Yue had returned to the house, she sat down for a moment before looking out of the small windows.

"Something's watching us."

"Several things are watching us" Xue Yue corrected. 

Ming Yue narrowed her eyes as she walked out with Blood Moon, looking around the clearing. Xia Yin and Heo Yue came out as well, poised to attack. 

"They're not hostile, not like those wolves. Could they be other beast people?" she muttered under her breath before suddenly shouting out. 

"I know that you are watching, come out of there!"

She was met with silence as all that answered was the rustling of grass. The sun slowly set and the skies darkened ever so slightly while the trees swayed.

"If you do not come out right now, I will consider you an enemy. And I will show no mercy. This is your last warning."

Saying this aloud, Ming Yue waited quietly. 

On the other side, the four beast people gave each other strange looks.