Depths of the Ruins

As they walked into this floor, it began to illuminate itself, revealing a gentle glow. With this light, everyone took note of their surroundings, finding themselves standing within an enormous room. 

"This floor... what was the purpose of this place?" Ming Yue wondered. 

There were giant boxes stacked upon one another and there were piles of them everywhere. At least over a hundred of them within this floor, each one large enough to hold a house. 

The group spread out to look around. 

"The other squads say that these ruins were originally a fortress with the sole purpose of survival", said Niu Hong. 

"That sounds about right. Some of the papers I skimmed through were about preparing for the calamity." 

Yu Tu confirmed it to which Niu Hong continued on. 

"We should check these boxes and see what's inside. More than likely, these might be supplies like food and other resources", he said.