Memory of One's Self

The day went by peacefully, in fact, the next coming days were peaceful. The pair slowly grew closer. Oftentimes, Ming Yue went out on her own to hunt, leaving her two beasts to watch over Hongyu. And the little girl was obedient, never going off on her own, waiting for the cultivator to return. 

But as peaceful as the days were, the nights were less than that, especially for Ming Yue. 

As today came to an end, Ming Yue had tucked Hongyu in bed, waiting for the girl to fall asleep before leaving her side. 

"Stay her side, both of you. Don't come to me, okay, no matter what."

She looked to the two beasts who looked back with worried eyes. Hei Yue was even whimpering a bit as she left the house. 

"If I stay in the same house, who knows what would happen if I sleep", she thought. 

"More than likely, you'd scare her or worse..."

Xue Yue suddenly spoke to which her counterpart stopped.