Where Could They Be?

Their figures soon vanished into the wilderness whilst Ao Qin stood there patiently waiting. And from then on, there was no trace of Ming Yue's existence, not of Hongyu or even the two beasts.  They roamed through the Beast Continent, leaving the Halcyon Meadows for the Savage Lands instead. 

It was far easier to avoid the tribes this way. 

But where did they go? 

In the far west of the continent laid a massive stone platform, weathered and broken from centuries of neglect. Trees and other florae had come right up to the edge of it, roots and vines had slithered and snaked into the cracks, digging in. 

It was quiet but it was not abandoned. There was a large boulder in the middle of the platform, gently moving as if quietly breathing. 

The grass shook as several figures emerged from the grass and looked at the platform from the side. 

"It's here! It's really here! The scholars were right!"