A New Friend

As it ran out of the trees, it suddenly fell to the ground, breathing heavily and bleeding out. Ming Yue stared at it in shock, her eyes widened as she lowered her sword just a tad. Even Hongyu's reaction was the same, eyes wide with disbelief as she looked at who had just come. 

"Is that what I think it is?" Ming Yue muttered. 

It was a giant cat, one of white fur with spots of black and beige and it had two tails.

After a moment, there was a small meow coming from it as the beast tried to move but couldn't. However, it was able to turn its head enough to notice Ming Yue and the others. Their eyes were piercing and they immediately froze up, not knowing what to do in front of this duo.

But then it looked away, as if not caring about them. Perhaps, it was surrendering to its fate. After all, the thing that chased after it was coming.