An Unusual Find

It was a small wooden box and when she opened it, she found three things inside. There was a ring, a necklace with a small sword as a pendant, and a note folded between the two objects. 

"This is..." 

Ming Yue looked at it, finding the contents of this box very strange. There was a strange power emanating from them that could be beneficial or ominous. She didn't know. 

Closing the box and storing it, the young woman looked under the bed once more before retreating back to the stone formation. 

"Hopefully, I was not here for too long", she thought. 

Activating it, a light covered her surroundings as she was sent back to the cave. Back to those rocky walls, Ming Yue noticed the growing sunlight coming from the crack in the ceiling. 

"Whoo, back in time."