The Seven Stages

"Primal Instinct? Is that what it's called?" Shu Yi asked, "All I knew about reverting was that it gave you great strength."

Lao Yang laughed before speaking. 

"That is not the whole story with reverting. There is a reason why it is called that. When you revert, it means that you are returning to your origin, the great ancestors of your race. And there are seven stages to it, the first being what he said, Primal Instinct.* It doesn't strengthen you directly but instead, you allow your instincts to take full control. And so, you move quicker, you react much faster. That is the first stage."

Despite the goat-kin's explanation, Shu Yi only had a confused look on his face. 

"This... I don't understand very well. Aren't they much stronger now?", he asked. 

But Lao Yang just shook his head. 

"Let's just put it this way. Do you see the Red Dragon over there?" he pointed out with his thin little finger to which Shu Yi nodded.