A Beast God Descends

As this hulking shadow came down, it opened its beak and dug into the ground, swallowing practically half of the horde in one mouthful. It then flew up, circling around the city as it left behind a gaping hole after itself, a chasm that would take thousands of bodies to fill. 

Niu Hong looked up in shock and awe as did the others. 

"It's the Devouring Goose, one of the Beast Gods... It's here", he muttered. 

Indeed, it was a massive gray goose that soared across the sky. Bits of rubble and even flesh fell from the gaps, dropping into the broken ground like rain. Its very presence was both breathtaking and oppressing for both sides could not react.

They could only just watch. 

But there was something else going on with it, something that those of the Reclamation Division noticed first. 

"It hasn't left yet."