Searching for Clues

"I have quite the number of connections, you know. Knowledge is quite powerful." 

The goat-kin revealed a rather cheeky smile as he gave a look at Ao Qin, who wasn't expecting to find out such a thing. However, the dragon-kin chose to say nothing, or truthfully, he had nothing to say. There was a peeved look on his face as he stared at Lao Yang's back. 

"In any case, we shouldn't worry about the other three locations yet. Let's focus on this one first. Zhu Xie, how long until we reach the ruins?" Lao Yang asked. 

"Mm, it shouldn't be too long, another two days at most." 

Zhu Xie answered back, calmly guiding the ship through the skies. 

"Alright, I'm sure that everyone is prepared for this."

The goat-kin looked around and saw everyone nod their heads. 

"Hah, I can't wait to get there. With how strong I've become, that damn dragon shouldn't be a problem at all!"