Truth of the Sword Path

"I would need to reach the final stage of the Sword Path? Does it need to be like that?"

Ming Yue was a bit astonished by what Senior Zhen said. 

"That would mean I need to reach the Sage's Sword and complete the Sword Path. How long would that even take", she thought. 

Despite her questions, Senior Zhen was quite firm with his answer. 

"Yes, if not, it will only be an incomplete sword art. After all, the Sword Path is not the end, it is the beginning", the weapon spirit explained. 

Hearing this, Ming Yue was even more astonished. 

"The beginning? How is that so? There is something above that?" she asked. 

Her curiosity was suddenly piqued upon hearing his words. After all, who wouldn't want to know what was beyond the peak? And Senior Zhen satiated her curiosity.