Nightmist Parade

The pair were in shock, they looked at each other before turning their attention towards the red tokens. Both of them went to check each one, making sure that they were real. 

"This is from the Redknife Hunter!"

"The leader of the Burrow Gang!"

"Ghost Master Cang Bai!"

"Night Charmer..."

They muttered to each other, listing off the identities of every evil cultivator that met their end by Ming Yue. And the young woman stood there, waiting and listening. Her eyes widened just a tad as they continued to go through the tokens. 

"To think that each one had a bounty on them", she thought to herself.

Considering how easy it was for her to deal with them, Ming Yue didn't think that they were worth much. Then again, she was an expert at the Sky Realm, and all her kills were at the Earth Realm. To her, they were nothing.

After a few minutes, the receptionists finished validating and recording everything before looking up at her.