Biding One's Time

Both Elder Fei and Ming Yue chuckled, waking Rou'er from her stunned state before turning in for the night. The next morning, she woke up early, very early, before anyone was awake. 

Truthfully, she hadn't actually slept, with her level of power, she didn't really need to. 

She spent the night, thinking and planning. But none of that would matter until she saw redmist Sanctuary for herself. And that was what she did. Before leaving her room, she looked at Hongyu, who was still sound asleep, snuggling up with Liang Wei's small form. 

There was a smile on her face, one coming from a sense of comfort and a pleasant dream. 

Walking to the bedside, Ming Yue stroked the child's hair, looking at her warmly before leaving. 

Outside of the tea shop, the city was quiet, it would be the first night ever that the Three Fiends didn't act. Of course, the news of their death or disappearance would soon spread.