Uncovering a Plan

She made no effort to hide her presence, taking loud heavy steps that Ming Yue heard almost immediately. 

"They're coming!"

Looking down at her hands, she quickly put away the papers she had been reading before searching for a place to hide. However, the office was as spacious as it was open, and with the Bai Meng coming closer, Ming Yue did not have a place to hide in. 

"Where? Where? Where?"

Her eyes darted from one place to another until she saw the shadow of a figure standing before the door. With a hand on it, there was a sliding sound as it opened to which Bai Meng looked straight ahead before stepping into her office. 

But there was no change in her expression as all seemed to be well. The office was just the way she had left it earlier, empty and organized. The woman stood there in her nightgown, looking around the room as she closed the door behind her.