Gathering Forces

The sword spun in the air before falling to the ground beside them, going straight into it. Rou'er turned back before looking at Ming Yue, whose branch was already on your neck. 

"Hmph, that was unfair, I doubt it was going to be the usual spar! Were you just using me to show off?!"

The young girl pouted angrily at her, feeling slighted by her even. Pulling the branch away, Ming Yue smiled apologetically. 

"I'm sorry, Rou'er, my teachers are watching." 

Even then, she looked away, frowning like a child. But Elder Xiang just stood up while laughing. 

"Ahahaha, don't worry about losing to her! That was a splendid fight! I can give you a few pointers so that you can take her on", he said while looking at her. 

Rou'er's face suddenly changed, showing a rather excited look. 

"Really?" she asked. 

He nodded gleefully.

"Of course, it would definitely make the next spars funner."