New Target

As the man walked away, there was a quiet breath as those eyes turned away and left. No longer hiding, Ming Yue looked at her palm where a red token lay. 

"The Butcher of An Le, was it? That's another one off the list", she muttered. 

Putting the token away, she took out something else, a small piece of white jade. The jade that allowed her to speak with Ying Yi from the Azure Wind Kingdom. 

Putting it up to her face, she injected some of her energy before speaking into it. 

"The Butcher of An Le is dead, who else is there?" 

Leaving behind a message, she put the jade away before taking a look around the area. Lingering for just a moment, she vanished, flying off to another part of the country. Looking down from above, she watched the scenery blur as she flew, quietly thinking to herself. 

"It's been... a few months, hasn't it?" she thought to herself.

Xue Yue soon answered her.