Killing Spree

Ying Yi's men just stood there in awe, watching everything unfold before them. In short words, it was a one-sided massacre. 

Although these evil cultivators did not have the Fourteen Evils leading them, there were second in commands and trusted personnel to take the lead. And although none of them were as strong as the Fourteen evils, they were not weak or inexperienced. Each and every one of them was terrifying on their own. 

But despite that, despite the numbers and the power that they had, they could do nothing against the silvery light. 

It was impossible to stop its path. It was far too quick and sharper than any of their weapons. And the daylight made it worse to follow, if it was still dark out, it would stick out like a sore thumb. 

Even if they wanted to, none of them were able to escape it. How could they even think about finding the attacker when they couldn't even see what the silvery light was?

"Don't stay together! Scatter!"