Back to Five Element City

The next day, the Eternal Blade Sect seemed quite busy now as many were preparing to depart for the capital city. Nearly everyone was going except for a few elders as well as many of the disciples. Only a select few would be coming along including Elder Fei and his family. 

Ming Yue had long left the Eternal Blade Sect, watching the gates outside. 

Both Xiao Yin and Hei Yue were by her side, curiously looking at the sect. 

"They should be coming out soon."

Soon enough, the gates opened and several carriages alongside dozens of people filed out. They walked in an orderly fashion, surrounding the carriages. All of them were dressed in the same uniform, carrying swords in their hands. 

They marched forward, walking down the road and making their way to the capital city. 

Ming Yue stalked them from a distance, just a kilometer or so away from the leading group.