To Be Truly Free

The two of them sat together on the grassy plain, looking out at the endless gray horizon. There was silence between them, waiting for the darkness above them to go. 

Ming Yue seemed lost in thought, no doubt there was a lot on her mind. 

"I have to wake up quickly. Is everyone safe? The job... it's nearly done, I just need to kill two more and that's it. But am I strong enough to go for the Ascetic? They're stronger than Langshen, maybe not as strong as the Idol of Chaos but still. And after that, I should go back to Heaven's Gate! I have to check up on Hongyu!"

Despite the calming atmosphere around them, her mind was racing, moving from one problem to another. 

Her eyes seemed focused and yet she felt scattered. There were so many things that she had to deal with and it made her feel a certain way. 

Her breath quickened as if an invisible pressure was placed on her body. 

It just felt so suffocating.