A Short Meeting

"Crow Immortal?" 

Ming Yue repeated the name to herself whilst the man just took a sip of his tea. 

"Yes, that is the name I am most known by. And I'm sure that you can see why. As for these inquiries of yours, well, it is quite difficult to explain", he told her. 

But the young cultivator wasn't really paying attention, she was still stuck on his name. She furrowed her brows, repeating those two words a few times before her face lit up, staring at him. 

"Immortal... you're not at the Heaven Realm, you're past that. You're an immortal", she muttered. 

The man's face changed for just a moment. The atmosphere around them grew tense with the silence from him. 

But then he put his cup down and answered, 

"Yes, I have reached the realm of Immortals. My life spans tens of thousands of years and I have witnessed many things. The rise and fall of kingdoms and the lives of mortals that feel like a mere flicker of light."