A Good Brother

Seeing no reaction from her at all, Xing Juren sighed. 

"I figured that you wouldn't be interested but it's quite alright. With the Frostflame Bear's corpse, we should have enough leverage to do something about this. Still, to have her freedom stripped away like this, I would not wish it on anyone", he said. 

The prince had a somber expression when watching his sister. As her older brother, he supported her, and to see her in such a helpless situation was hard to bear, especially when there was little he could do. 

"You're a good brother", she told him.

He smiled but even that was restrained. 

"I try but the elders are stubborn people, nothing short of concrete proof will do anything. Even someone like me can only do so much. "

Hearing this, the young woman thought carefully, looking at Xing Hou.