Anything Can Be a Sword

She looked at it, spinning the little piece around. There was nothing special about it, plucked right out of the ground under her. But she stared at it with great interest. 

"Don't think of it as grass but a sword. It is not grass, it is a sword."

The young cultivator closed her eyes and breathed out. 

There was a sword in her hand. That was all she thought. 

It was thin. It was fragile. And it was a sword nonetheless. 

Ignoring everything around her, all of her focus was on herself and the sword. She emptied her mind, thinking of nothing else but those two things. 

She took it slowly, opening her eyes and seeing the blade of grass in her hand. 

"... belief, one's mindset, the Dao..."

With the Godfist's words echoing in her mind, she felt something click. And that piece of grass didn't seem so fragile anymore. 

Taking a basic stance, she stared forward into the empty space.