Treasure Auction

After listening to him, Ming Yue looked over the paper in her hands, reading through the contents before. Xiao Yin and Hei Yue looked up at her curiously.

She narrowed her eyes before looking at the steward. 

"This is called a Treasure Auction?" she asked.

Steward Qu nodded. 

"Yes, these particular auctions focus more on exchanging one treasure with another. But anything that isn't gold can be used. Those who take part or host a Treasure Auction have so much wealth that getting more is meaningless to them."

"Then for the one hosting, it says that it is someone called 'Splendid Mongoose'? Who is this person?" 

The young cultivator was intrigued by this person, partially due to the unique name but also because they are personally holding this auction. Whoever they were, they had to have quite an influence. 

The steward then took out another piece of paper handing it over to her.