Ending a Chapter

The man nodded. 

"Yes, but it seems that she has escaped my grasp once more", he answered.

Bai Meng was silent, thinking about this current situation. She looked up at the Ascetic, gazing at the man curiously before finally saying something.

"I mean, she may have escaped but there are still ways to bring her to you. I'm sure that if you were to come to the Den and use the right people, she'll come right back."

It seemed that she had a plan cooking up in her mind but the Asceti didn't seem to care much for it. 

"There's no point searching for her or doing anything, I'm sure she'll come to me eventually", he told her. 

"Then what do you plan to do? Wander?" she asked him. 

He just nodded. 

"Indeed, I need to cleanse myself of the blood on my hands", he explained, "As for you... you've gotten weaker... or rather you haven't quite recovered yet."

The woman sighed quickly recounting her experience.