To Stand Tall

Elder Shen fell to his knees but he did not lower his head, staring at the Ascetic. His eyes started to glow. digging into the floating man. it was unsettling to say the least. 

"You say that your goal to reach the Immortal Realm is to sever your ties with the world. But the way I see it, you'll never reach it. What binds you to this world is something you will find difficult, almost impossible to let go of."

His voice suddenly choked up as he felt a force clamping down on his neck. 

"Choose your words carefully, know that your life is in my hands", the Ascetic warned.

"You say that... this struggle is all in vain but... it is your effort that is in vain."

The elder could feel the pressure on his neck tightening as speaking became more difficult. But it didn't stop him from doing so. 

"You, you suffer the same fate as everyone else, hitting a wall that you cannot break, a bridge you cannot hope to cross. It is desire", he said to him.