Lightning's Grace

There was excitement in his eyes, wondering just what Ming Yue would do with the words he gave her. 

Certainly, he wasn't disappointed by her. 

Just as she had planned, the cultivator spent the next floors changing the way she fought. It was nothing drastic, rather subtle adjustments just to see what felt right. 

She focused less on the trials and was just lost in the process of it all. 

It was a fervent fixation but it didn't hinder her during these trials. Rather the varying tests gave her plenty of ways to explore. 

"Try switching the roles of the swords? What about just using them interchangeably? Maybe abandon the 'storm' and 'lunar' aspect and go back to my roots by focusing solely on wind instead. Or focus on the 'storm' part, it'd be easier to incorporate the Wind and Lighting Dao with the Sword Dao like that. But I can't just make it an ordinary storm, there has to be something I can do to set it apart from the others."