The Prayer Mat

Ming Yue stared at it with a strange look, kneeling down and touching the mat. 

"Is it really an ordinary mat?" she muttered to herself. 

Looking at her surroundings, there was nothing else but the prayer mat and the stairs leading up to the 4,001st floor. 

"Should I just go?" 

Seeing the staircase in front of her, she really thought about leaving. But if she did, the thought of this prayer mat would be nagging on her mind. Curiosity, that was one thing she couldn't restrain about herself. 

"There has to be something about this prayer mat. Some secret!"

Her eyes trailed back to the prayer mat, studying it closely, probing it with her energy. But no matter what she did, there was no reaction from the mat. She wasn't discouraged by the lack of results but that only spurred her on. 

A day passed, then a week, then a month, and then a year.