Twisted Hearts

The one leading this group was a well-dressed man riding a Fiendish Ogre, a smaller one compared to the one that Ming Yue saw. He had an air of nobility around him though his attitude was that of scum. 

"Egh, filthy mortals, to think we have to resort to dealing with them." 

He looked down at the fleeing villagers with eyes full of disdain. 

"Whatever, let's just get that damn snake back."

Pulling at the reins, he steered his beast away but it didn't move.

"What?! Move, damn it! What are you doing, yo-"

The man suddenly stopped the moment he looked down, seeing a gaping hole in the chest of the ogre. 


There was barely any time for him to register what had happened when he felt a presence landing beside him. A chill went down his spine as he saw a glint of light. And then things started to look a little off, he seemed to be falling but that didn't seem right. 

"That's my body but... where's my head?"