Ravening Piranhas

"Alright, time to go back in."

Ming Yue entered the 5,000th floor once more with a confident stride. She looked at her surroundings before checking the map from her ring. 

"First things first, I need to check the other clusters of dots. It could be other villages or maybe a gathering of beasts. Either way, clearing their trials shouldn't be too difficult. I should also see what trials the first village had."

As she stepped back into the Cataclysm Battlefield, that same sensation of heaviness weighed on her.

The pressure of being surrounded by the strong and dangerous. 

But it was bearable and she returned to the first village. It was lively as many of them were busy repairing homes and building up whatever defenses they could muster. They stopped the moment one of them spotted her. 

"She's back! She's back!"

Entering the village, Ming Yue found herself in the middle of a crowd as they gazed at her in anticipation.