Infiltrating the Fortress

Ming Yue stayed calm, not wanting to jump to conclusions. 

"I could be wrong but let's see what's inside first."

She moved quietly, checking the perimeter of the fortress. 

"Hm, they have eyes everywhere, I could wait for them to change guards but there might be a better way to go about this."

She looked up at the rooftop as all of the guards were looking outwards. 

Flying straight up, Ming Yue flew high enough to reach the clouds before letting herself fall back down. As she adjusted her course, the cultivator used no energy while descending but she didn't need to. 

It took just a few seconds for her to come back down, landing at the center of the rooftop silently. With the guards focused on their surroundings, none of them noticed her coming. Then again, none of them would've thought that someone would enter from above. 

She quickly looked around before navigating her way into an open window.