Advent of a God-beast

Her head spun back at the fortress, seeing it tremble before collapsing as numerous beasts erupted from below. 

"Right, they used the Beast Tamer to capture beasts."

It made sense for them to take advantage of the girl but Ming Yue couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the sight of so many of them. 

"Just how many of them did they capture?!"

There were nearly a hundred of them emerging from the ruined fortress. They had freed themselves from captivity and by the looks of it, they were furious.

Part of her was very annoyed by this but this was also a chance for her. 

She looked at the two groups and launched a Storm Lance at the freed monsters, grabbing their attention. One of them looked around and saw the horde, snarling at them. 

Suddenly, they had found themselves a new enemy. It wasn't the humans that caught them but at least they were able to let out some of that rage.