Seething Rage

What he just revealed to her were the answers to the mystery around Hongyu, where she truly came from and what had happened to her in the past. 

But among the things that Qi Xin told her, she was stuck on one particular detail.

"You sealed her in a boulder and sent her off into the skies?" 

There was a trace of anger in her words, something that he noticed. 

The Supreme furrowed his brows and nodded. 

"Indeed, I did. Clearly, she found her way back and now she is in your care. Alas, I would suggest that you do what I have done and seal her away once more. This time, permanently. That child could spell doom for your era."

His words only served to anger her even more as she walked right up to him, glaring straight into his eyes. 

"Do you understand the things that girl has gone through?!" she questioned him. 

Seething with anger, every word was spoken with spite.