Blood Plague's Origins

The woman seemed hesitant at first, not wanting to reveal more but ultimately made her request in full. 

"My name is Zhou Shen, I am a doctor from the Emerald Vine Society. It is a society created by and for those who practice medicine. Our cause is to further medical knowledge, to help the weak and the sickly. I along with my partner was sent here to aid in quelling the Blood Plague."

Zhou Shen took out a token with the words "Emerald Vine" etched on it as proof. 

"We generally move in pairs, one is responsible for creating the medicine and the other does everything else. This involves things from simple chores to retrieving hard-to-find herbs."

"Are there no storehouses? What about your spatial rings?" Ming Yue asked. 

She found it strange that there wasn't a vast storage of rare herbs lying in wait. But the doctor did soon explain the reason why.