Another God-beast

Ming Yue's swords struck bone and bounced back rather than cut through. 

"Damn it."

She jumped back watching his transformation complete. 

The cultist leader was a giant compared to her. His appearance was frightening and his presence was terrifying. 

With an assortment of limbs growing out of his back, his skin followed this pattern. Patches of fur, feathers, scales, and much more grew all over his body. There were even large sores spreading across his skin. 

The pupils in his eyes were no longer bright, drool and spit dripped from his open mouth.

Even his teeth were a jagged mess. 

Despite all this, his focus was all on her.

Breathing heavily, this monstrous creature slowly approached the cultivator. He staggered forward, growling and snarling before lunging at her!


Raising his arm, he made a tight fist and swung down with all that power and momentum.