The Falcon's Token

The ring hummed once more before something came out of it, falling to the ground. 

"Hm, what's this?" 

She knelt down and picked it up, looking at it curiously. 

"A token?" 

In her hand was a coin with talons etched onto both sides. It was small but rather heavy. 

Ming Yue furrowed her brows, not knowing what to make of it. 

"Hmm, this is the only reward. There are no changes to my cultivation and it doesn't seem like the ring has anything else to give me", she made sure of that. 

Putting the token away, the cultivator took another look at her surroundings, seeing the destruction that came from fighting slowly disappear as this twisted world fixed itself. 

"I guess that's that", she thought, "I should head back to see how that town is doing."

Having resolved the matter with the cultists as well as completing the trials for the doctors, things would surely start to change.