The Vog Bringer

"It could speak?!"

Ming Yue didn't expect it at all but it'd make sense. After all, those Fiendish Ogres could speak if barely. For a dragon like this, it wasn't unlikely for it to speak. 

The shock on her face was easy to see and the God-beast snorted at her. 

"What? Do you merely see me as a beast?! Do you think that I go around parading my mastery of your language?!" it spat back at her with quite a nasty tone. 

But in seconds, the Ash-Scaled Dragon regained its composure, continuing to speak more calmly. 

"Nevertheless, you wretched creatures are so pathetic. resorting to such trickery. Do you think it's enough?! I am Hui Long, the Vog Bringer! I bring nothing but cinders and ashes to your world!"