Victory At Last

The dragon crashed into the ground with a loud thud, landing just a few dozen meters away from Ming Yue. 

Smoke continued to come off its body as embers slowly burned away at its flesh. 

It was in a horrible state but its chest was moving up and down. 

Hui Long was still alive though barely. The beast coughed before letting out a weak laugh. 

"Ahahahaha, is this the end for me? I've lived through countless battles and disasters but this is where I fall."

Its eyes suddenly moved, looking over at the cultivator lying there unconscious. 

"How unfortunate, victory was so close yet so far. It is my defeat, human. But I... am just... the beginning. There will... be... more..."

As the dragon spoke its last words, the light in its eyes dimmed and the beast died. Its body laid there, smoking away before turning to dust and disappearing. 

Ming Yue's ring, hummed as the words appeared and faded away.