No Time To Rest

"First things first, I need to put all the treasures to good use", she thought. 

Ming Yue turned to look at Elder Kan. 

"Is there a way to send out a message to all of the other Sanctuaries?" she asked. 

The Disciplinary Elder had a strange look on her face when she heard the question. 

"We can, is there something you want to say?"

The cultivator nodded before leaning over, whispering into the Elder's ears. Hearing what she had to say, Elder Kan had a slightly stunned look on her face. 

"Is that true?" she muttered. 

The cultivator nodded. 

"If you can lead me to an empty storeroom, I can put it all out and then we can distribute it from there."

Elder Kan had a rather excited look on her face. 

"I- of course, but this is unexpected. I didn't think you'd come back with all that!"

"Well, I did manage to complete the Divine Citadel."