The Twenty Eight Mansions

Ming Yue continued to scratch the little beast's head, looking at it with a smile. 

"Hmm, I'm going to need to give you a name. What should I pick?"

It was small, it was furry, and it could shapeshift too. 

"What about... Wu Yun? Not a very cute name but it fits, a little black cloud of fur", she said quite lovingly. 

The small creature didn't seem to reject that name, responding with a happy chirping.

Holding Wu Yun gently, she placed the little furball on her shoulder, watching it circle around and run all over her clothes. In seconds. it found a spot that it liked, hiding within the sash wrapped around her waist.

She barely even felt it snuggling in. 

"A new addition to the group, I wonder how Xiao Yin and Hei Yue are going to react to it?"

It was an amusing thought to have though the feeling didn't last long. 

"I should go find them and see how Hongyu is doing."