
I stroll in light jogging pace back on my trip, screams and sounds of hard breathing come behind me but I just ignore them as I already paid them. I'm looking into new notifications which I ignored while I talked to frozen legs.

[World announcement! Player Zero is the first player to successfully defeat a rare creature! +200 general reputation +2 Gold.]

[+2 Iron Horns, +2 Beast skin, +4 Minotaur bones, +12 Silver coins, +1 Map Fragment.]

"Oh what a handsome rewards, I should thank those guys if I run into them later." My next destination is north of the beginner village and east of that forest I've been to and it's even further than that but it should give me some gains so I will see how worthy will all this walking be. Oh you are wondering why I'm not worried about those screaming people behind me? Well they have normal starting stats so they can't reach me even if they want to, my light jogging speed is still faster than their sprinting speed and I don't get as tired as them, I already noticed they are falling behind even more so soon enough they will just drop the chase.

Second night is almost here, that would mean that outside is also nighttime and I should be making dinner for the two of us soon.

After jogging for about 10 or 15 minutes those behind me already stopped chasing and I found a decent place to log out, but once I logged out and went out of the capsule I was little stunned by smell coming from outside.

I trusted my nose and followed the smell all the way to the kitchen, which isn't far away considering we only have one room, kitchen, bathroom and entrance hall.

There I was greeted with a rare sight, my sister was roasting meat and making some side dishes for dinner I guess. This left me quite stupefied, you should know that Mia never learned how to cook neither did I want her to cook, in my eyes she was too delicate to even try doing something like that.

"Oh big brother you are up, sit for a bit dinner will be soon." She turned around with such a cheerful smile my heart almost stopped for more than a second.

"Oh right, big brother next time you want to trick my friends can you please tell me in advance, if I didn't know you better I would've believed you would have killed me in that cave."

"Haha sorry about that, had to make it believable, so how was it, got you convinced?" I brag with a grin on my face as I took my seat on the table.

"Tsk such poor acting skills, you are lucky I played along with you or you would've failed so bad, so tell me what's the point, what do you need my friends for?"

"Oh my little genius still doesn't know? How sad I am, never mind it then you have genius big brother so you don't have to think anything you can always ask me."

"Big brother be real, your only good things are that you are good at tricking people and can fight well, beside that I can't think of any other good thing."

"Tsk, you speak like it's not me who cooked for you all this time, while we are at that subject since when did you know how to cook?"

"Oh I asked Sandra to teach me some about cooking and I also have optional cooking classes in school."

"My little Mia really is genius, I should just frame you and put you somewhere as a trophy."

"Stop spouting nonsense big brother, I'm feeling slight regret I didn't get to introduce you Sasha's sister to you, she is quite a nice girl, she has both beauty and smarts so I think she would be a nice fit with you."

"Don't worry about that princess, I don't think I'll have time for dating any time soon, I'll be too busy so there's no point in trying to match me with someone."

"Then go on a date in game later, there are some beautiful places in game and some of them are really good date spots, you should at least consider it."

"I only agreed to one date, don't push it too far I might not even go to that one you want me to go."

"But big brother you promised!" She turned around to glare at me.

"Ohoho, did I? Do you have any proof of me promising that, I don't remember at all, are you sure you weren't dreaming?"

"You are right, I have no evidence of that promise, I should have known better than to trust your word." She said as she continued to calmly prepare dinner.

"Hey what's that supposed to mean?"

"That means that you big brother are a big liar and I don't talk with liars."

"It isn't a lie if I didn't promise, we talked about it but I never agreed, it was just you forcing me to go, I never agreed to that!"

"Whatever, you lied once you will lie all the times, I hate liars and you should know that brother."

"Oh damn it, fine I will go on a stupid date ONCE, with some random girl you chose."

"Of course you will, because my big brother can be anything except a liar." She said it so lightly and calmly like it isn't a request but a firm statement, a fact. Tsk fine if being your brother makes me unable to lie then I just won't lie, there are so many ways to trick people without lies.

"Half-truths don't count in lies right?" I asked curiously.

"Nit-picking again big brother? What kind of schemes are you plotting now?"

"Just asking…" I mumble somewhat guiltily, she caught me too fast.

"Truths are truths and lies are lies, I told you not to lie and nothing but that."

"Good, then I don't have to change the plans for now, hey Mia how likely would it be for that sister you were talking about to actually sign a contract with me."

"Hmm, if I must say there is a chance, and knowing you it is quite a big chance, so just do your best and it shouldn't be hard."

"My sister knows me best." I proclaimed proudly as I dug into meals she already placed on the table.