Be more selfish

"Yan, you didn't tell us?" Spoke Gabriel as we walked down the streets.

"Tell you what?"

"What is it that you wish for, beside Mia being happy and safe is there anything you wish for, do you have any more selfish desire?"

"I haven't actually thought about that, before I always wanted just to finish with school, find a good job get married and get old, but then things went to hell and I was left to take care of Mia and then my only wish was her happiness."

"Oh what a sad story, sob, I'm crying Yan you are such a good person." Marko faked crying and looks like Gab intended to imitate him but I cut them off.

"Do you guys have nothing else to do than to tease and mock me?"

"Oh but you are wrong bro, even if we are teasing you we actually want to help you, you have to realize that one day Mia's happiness will come and you will be alone with no ambition and no goal, what happens then?" Asked Gabriel.

"I don't know, maybe you are right and I should think more about it, but do I have the privilege to be selfish, if I'm selfish who will take care of Mia?"

"You stupid moron, for a head full of schemes you are surprisingly stupid some times, don't you have brothers and sisters, what are we for, decoration?" Spoke Marko angrily.

"Hold your horse's bro; I never said that, you guys are my brothers so how can I just dump my responsibility on you guys."

"You see that's why you are so stupid, we never told you to dump the responsibility, and instead you should share it, question number one, why did we create the studio?" Asked Gabriel all of the sudden.

"To get money so we could buy a mansion where all of us could live together?" I answered somewhat candidly.

"Correct, so if we live together we could also take care of each other, that includes Mia too, that takes us back to the question, what is it that you wish for, now you have a solution for your only worry and you can think of it more clearly."

"Um I guess it's the same as before, get married and get old I guess."

"So unambitious, why are you so good at schemes then, do you plan to just let it waste, don't you think you are intended for something greater."

"Well I did have a dream when I was a kid, as every other kid I wanted to become someone awesome, when that thought formed in my head I watched a Chinese movie, it was about cultivators and immortals and all the different realms and stuff, it's then that I thought that I wanted to become a cultivator and become an immortal, but it's stupid right, there's no way for me to become an actual cultivator right?" While I was speaking I was looking down unconsciously, I raised my head but what I saw surprised me, both Marko and Gab had stupid grins on their faces like they heard the lamest joke ever.

"So my dream was that laughable huh, go ahead you can laugh all you want, I don't care after all it was only a dream I had when I was a kid."

"Bro you misunderstood us, we aren't laughing because we think it's funny, even though it is, we laugh because it's actually possible you know…" Explained Gabriel.

"What drugs have you been using, you know drugs are bad you should stay away from them." I spoke as I looked at my friend warily.

"So you don't believe me?" Said Gabriel with his trademark smirk. Damn I know that smile he knows something I don't…

"Tell me what you know?"

"Oh seems little Yan decided to trust his brother."

"Cut the crap I know you know something, I can read that stupid smirk on your face a mile away."

"You see, that's why we are brothers, indeed I do know something but I thought of letting you figure it out yourself, looks like I won't get that chance because I have to reignite a dream first."

"What are you talking about, what reignite a dream, have you gone nuts already?"

"Listen up bro, do you know that the person who created the game, I mean its original creator, is actually a cultivator? Did you know that he invented this game to bring peace to humanity and increase the number of cultivators and secure the earth?"

"So you tell me I can become an immortal because of the game? Yeah you have definitely gone nuts…" I comment as I face palmed so hard that my face actually started hurting."

"Oh so you don't believe me?" Again with that stupid smirk, every time he asks if I don't believe him he always puts on that smirk, it makes me shiver unconsciously.

"Let's say I do believe you, is there a proof for that, even if we are brothers you can't expect me to believe in whatever you say right?"

"Of course there's proof, but your lack of trust hurts me, when have I lied to you?"

"Remember that one time you told me at Enzo's birthday party that there's a girls waiting for me upstairs, and there was actually a prostitute, or do you remember that time when you told me there's nothing dangerous in that ruined building behind the school, it was full of freaking snakes…" I wanted to continue but Marko interrupted me.

"First of all a girl did wait for you upstairs, we never mention what's her job description though, and second the building was safe, we never mentioned snakes weren't, basically we never lied, we just never told you whole truth."

"It's the same as lying!" I shouted loudly in protest.

"Is it? Then when Mia told you not to lie, what was your answer?"

"Um, okay you got me, and how do you know about that?"

"Of course Mia told us, she told us if you ever lied to tell her." Explained Gabriel with a smirk.

"You freaking snitch, you would sell me out in matter of seconds wouldn't you?"

"Hey that hurts bro; it's not snitching if we uphold your promise in your stead. You did promise not to lie, and half-truths aren't lies right?" A winner smile, yeap that's Marko's trademark smile, well they beat me in my own game, and I'm not even surprised anymore.

"Back to the topic then, you said I can become an immortal in game, tell me how?"

"Oh but you are already a cultivator little brother, you just haven't figured it out yet."