Seo turned to see towards the direction of someone calling him and there he saw a complete naked figure with her hands frozen in the air, one of her legs was frozen in the air as she was about to make a step forward.... and her face was frozen with roll back eyes.....
Seo : Hmm... when did we gain a frozen statue.....???
Haruhime : Fuueeee..... it's tickling...
Seo : Here... afooooo
Seo blew air in her ears making her shiver down her spine before she started hitting him with soft girly blows....
Haruhime : Fuuueee meanie, meanie!!!!
Hestia kept watching them frozen as she was and when she expected them to somehow react they totally ignored her....
She got pissed further down her bottom line and entered raging loli mode...
Hestia : What are you 2 doing here!!!!! S-E-O-KUN...
Seo : Oh that was you?? where is the pretty naked statue I saw....???
Hestia : Ugh!!!! M-A-I-D-SAN don't you have to cook food what are you doing here...
Seo : Hestia.... I'm having a bit mofu mofu with my maid which I BROUGHT!!
Seo : So what are you doing here?? didn't bell told you to wait outside....???
Hestia : No fair.... no fair no fair... you thieving MAID you took my SEO....
Hestia glared with jealously at Haruhime and when Haruhime heard that he belongs to her she glared back with her green eyes as she was hugging him and her tail was waging left and right..... Seo could swear he saw sparks from their eyes...
Seo : When exactly did I become your property??
Hestia : Ugh!!!! from the moment you joined my family.... and, and..... also when you molester me...
Seo : That was a repayment for bumping into me....
Hestia : Yeah!! but you also said you will never force others to do that!!!.....
Hestia pointed towards the happy like Haruhime as Seo kept playing with her foxy ears.....
Seo : But I didn't... and I also said I value the Give And Take Law... for example, I brought her she serves me....
Seo : And if we go further down I gave 2 more children to join your family paid for their weapons and everything and never took something from you now did I??
Hestia : But you did... didn't you take my naked image now and burned it in your eyes??
Seo : That was you barging in here, I didn't ask for it.....
Hestia : Ugh!!!! if you want to go like this fine... you brought me 2 goods and also a massive disaster, therefore, these counter each other and your Law of Giving and Take doesn't apply!!
Hestia : Therefore since you took my naked image now you owe me!!!
Seo : You're right that would have been a rare case for me to owe something.... but like I said you charged in ignoring Bell's words of not entering..... therefore you dug your grave....
Seo : You took my words as air and enter and in order to repay me you gave me your naked image... thanks for the trade....
Hestia was on the verge of exploding when something clicked her and started to grin.....
Hestia : Are you sure you do not owe me anything....
Seo : Hmm?? I don't think so....
Hestia : Not only you toured with the Black Dragon all over the place even at Hephaestus room that caused mayhem and called a meeting of the Gods....
Hestia : You have no idea what happened and what I gave you.....
Seo pondered over it... did I miss something?? ugh!!! can it be I really owe her something?? will that break my record of never owning....
Hestia broke in an evil smile thinking i got him now!!!!!