Chapter 79 : Thunder Conductor...

{Seo Riveiron - Age 16 - Level 5 -> (Level 6 Peak Hidden)

Hestia Goddess Family

STR - 0 I > 1999 SS

DEF - 0 I > 1999 SS

AGIL - 0 I > 1999 SS

DEX - 0 I > 1999 SS

WPN - 0 I > 1999 SS

MAG - 0 I > 1999 SS

Abilities :

Thunder Conductor - S > S+

Farsight - B+

Strained Hearing - B+

Last Man Standing - C > C+

Luck - C

Fighting Stance - B > B+

High-Speed Regeneration - B > B+

Hard Skin - D > D+

Magic :

Thunder Lance - Instacast - S

Speed Flow - Instacast - S- > S

Thunder Bolt - Instant cast - B

Fire Bolt - Instant cast - B}

The system sends an update to his mind making him shocked by his progress he thought a bit more and he could become Level 7...

Hestia : Now why the hell, is your board not responding at all??

Seo : Ahhh about that, remember how i reached peak Level 3???

Hestia : Yeah, what about it??

Seo : As i had hit Mind Zero i used it to absorb all the lighting and thunder spells the mages could fire and broke my limits forcible without your update blessings...

Hestia : So you mean your body is Level 6 while the board says level 5??

Seo : Yes, and for that, i haven't adapted it to the changes yet or you can say i overstrained myself and i can't use any skills right now...

Hestia : So we can only wait for you to feel your body again...

Seo : Yeah and it sucks....

Seo : Oh, by the way, what happened with the renovation??

Hestia : Eina-san found the constructors but with all this mess, she couldn't send them...

Hestia : But now i have to make them bleed their skills off and create a palace here...

Seo : Ugh.... a palace??

Hestia looked at him with an evil smile and he started feeling his back drenching in sweat as her eyes sparked...

Hestia : Of course you are gonna pay, for almost killing the two...

Seo : Sigh... Fine, i'll pay....

Hestia : Mmmm... Mmmmm..... yes you'll pay... Eeehhhh what you'll pay???

Seo : Yes, i'll pay you can call them from tomorrow and let them come here, then we will rent a few rooms and stay there...

Hestia : Ummm, how much did you exactly made??

Seo : Hmmm, i would know the exact number but i would say over 2 million...

The last think Hestia remembered it was darkness, she had taken too many shocking hits today from all sides and this was finally the last piece of cake before passing out...

Seo : Bell, Haruhime... Take her upstairs for her to rest and then cook up something to eat...

Bell : Then i'll take her...

Haruhime : Then i'll cook...

Seo started speaking to his system as the two of them were carrying their duties with delight faces as they had passed an incredible hurdle having Level Up to the next Level...

Seo : System, can you calculate how many days my body will finish adapting to the Thunder Conductor???

{It Is Possible But it will cost 2.000 Points. Do you want to proceed Y/N??}

Seo : Go ahead...

{System had used 2.000 Points. Remaining Ones 22.000}

{Scanning Host's Condition....... Done.....}

{Estimated Recovery. 7 Days 4 Hours and 10 Minutes...}

Seo : This is going to be quite a bit of a problem... Can i use points and purchase something from the store that might help me restore faster??

{Host can use 10.000 points to Buy an Extreme Recovery Pill...}

Seo : What does it do??

{It stimulates the body's vitality in exchange for extreme pain that attacks the mind...}

Seo : So it will be like Mind Zero...

Seo : Then use one for now and then rescan my body....

{Affirmative.... Bought... Remaining Points 12.000... Using.... Host Brace Yourself Extreme Pain Is Coming...}