Chapter 131 : The Festival...

Hephaestus : You weapon can be treated as a sword... A blunt weapon since the center is a round cylinder and as both a lance and a spear...

Seo : Right now it's appearance reminds me of a spear...

Hephaestus : You are correct it is a spear now... However, if you add your magic in it...

Seo activated his Thunder lance towards his weapon and was shocked at what happened right in front of his eyes...

The two cutting edges started spinning around the cylinder all the while being clad in his thunder lance...

Hephaestus : And now it resembles a thunder lance...

Seo : System scan this and tell me it's abilities...

{Affirmative..... Scanning!!!!!!..... Done.....!!!}

{Polymorphic Origin Weapon : A growth type weapon being created by the Goddess of Forging herself. It has been attuned exclusively for Seo Riveiron.. (Ability Level 1-3 : Different Castings...)(Ability Level 3-4 : Elemental Coating)(Ability Level 4-5 : Double Imprint)(Ability Level 5-7+ : Final Javelin)}

Seo : Oh??

Hephaestus : Is it to your liking???

Seo : Very...

Hephaestus : I'm not sure you know this but growth type weapons are alive and share your fate...

Seo : I live it lives, i die it dies...

Hephaestus : Therefore.....

Seo : No worries i know...

Tsubaki : So what are you planning to do in the festival???

Seo : Well...

Seo then started telling her about his plans and why he had asked from Hephaestus a few plastic bowls...

Tsubaki showed an excited expression as she wanted to test these new recipes he was talking about...

Seo : Well, then i'll be going now as almost everything has been set up...

Tsubaki : Keep me a few of them...

Seo : Why?? I can cook them again...

Tsubaki : Oh, that's better...

Both of them watched him leaving before their faces turned grim as Tsubaki and Hephaestus had learned what happened inside the dungeon...

Outise of Hephaestus shop, Seo placed his weapons into his inventory and left from there heading towards his job...

It took him 20 or so minutes to reach in the Colosseum where the show will begin...

When he entered inside he heard a familiar RoooaaaR resounding the place and he knew what kind of monster they had captured...

He moved forward and finally met with someone that had a bit of authority there...

Seo : Yo, Shakti is everything ready??

Shakti : Yes, your role will be to tame a Silverback Gorilla...

Seo : And it must be pissed since i could hear it from when i entered this place...

Shakti : Your job will be to entertain the gallery by keeping it in a tamed form...

Seo : Well, then i'm going for a bit to cook the rest of the new dishes and also give a few things to Bell and Haruhime...

Shakti : Would it be much to ask for a bowl??

Seo : Oh??

Shakti : I passed earlier from Haruhime and the dishes in those plastic packed bowls looked delicious...

Seo : Hahahahaha, you can go and take one directly or do you want me to cook especially for you??

Shakti blushed when she heard that and turned around to leave which made Seo be a bit speechless was he rejected over food??

Shaking his head he went ahead towards his own duties which cost him 2 hours to finish many different dishes, during this time he had noticed the bustling of people coming and going and he also noticed Ryuu with Syr and Chloe having taken serving duties with Haruhime...

At that moment he realised that Mia Grand is going to screw him over for taking 3 of her restaurant girls for the festival... Seo then turned towards Haruhime who was a few meters away and went closer to her since he wanted to hand over a few things...

Seo : Haruhime... Here take these...

Haruhime : Hmm??

Seo : Go and give this knife to Bell and these bracelets are your weapons, keep them always on you...

Haruhime : I'll give it to Bell when i will find him...

Seo : Then i'll leave everything here to you girls...